Swimming Lessons on the Dusky and Other Stories: A Southern Fiordland Traverse
Traversing from Mt. Watson to Mt. Ward (Luca K) Party: Sam Waetford, Olivia Truax, Maddy Whittaker, Tom Hadley, Luca Karjalanein When a trip starts with Tom breaking into my house at 4am to wake me up after I slept through three alarms - you know it's going to be an interesting one. Hiccups behind us (or so we thought), we made our way over to the Borland road in South Fiordland. Less than an hour after leaving the car, we found ourselves soaked to the bone, standing beside a huge brown raging torrent (the Grebe river as seen in the video below) - which we would clearly not be crossing. Back to the car we went and out came the maps - time to plan a different route. We decided to head up the "elevator" (the powerline road to the Manapouri power station that cuts out any bushbashing) and hit the tops from there. The plan was to traverse the Wall and Townley ranges and meet up with the Dusky at Centre Pass, which we would walk out along. It was Sunday af...